
Always Onboarding

Love SilkRoad?

Refer a Friend!

Love your experience with SilkRoad? Love how easy life has become with your talent activation solutions?

Refer a friend and if they become a customer, we'll cover your ticket to Connections 2018 in San Antonio, TX!

Step 1: 
Get in touch with your friend to ensure their organization needs HR automation and let them know that a SilkRoad team member will follow up with them. Make sure your referral won't be surprised; our expectation is you've had a conversation and they are expecting our call.

Step 2: 
Complete the referral form on this page and a SilkRoad representative will reach out to you for more information.

Step 3:
A member of our team will contact you shortly to discuss your referral. If an opportunity closes before December 31, 2017, we'll pay for your conference fee for Connections 2018. 

Refer a Friend

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